Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Be careful not to trip on your MAXI!

The trend toward Maxi skirts is contagious! Fashion leaders and innovators have encouraged the masses to accept this style as it climbs the fashion cycle. At the end of the rise stage of the cycle, this design is now accepted by an increasing number of customers. Buyers are reordering in quantities for maximum stock coverage so consumers like yourselves can get in on the trend!

Late Spring the Maxi made big news as New York magazine published a major article entitled "The Floor's The Limit" which welcomed back the skirt style and showed consumers ideal fabrics and cuts for individual body types. 

Late Summer WhoWhatWear reported printed maxi's as a dramatic trend, using popular icons to validate its phenomenon. 

What started out as high fashion has now turned into volume fashion...


Camilla and Marc

Cecilia Prado

Willow and Clay 
Alice and Olivia at Bergdorf 5F


Forever 21

Forever 21
Or my personal FAVORITE:

Maxi's are the perfect transitionary outerwear between Summer and Fall. A trend I love because it permits creativity via top layering and allows for an assortment of shoe choices. 
Yet, all trends end in excess. Maybe the next time I trip on the stairs while wearing one of my many maxi skirts I should take it as a sign that it is time to move on! 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The gym was closed...so I walked the Brooklyn Bridge instead

I woke up yesterday morning determined to act like a "tourist" and to explore the sights, but what began as a brisk walk for fun turned into a sincere appreciation of my new surroundings. After asking the guards at THE Federal Reserve Bank for directions, I was on my way. Yep, I live right across the street from such a monumental establishment- how safe is my area? Haha. 
The sights from the bridge were INCREDIBLE. Using the "insider's viewpoint" via the research strategy of observation - I took it all in. What inspired me the most was the broad range of spectators crossing from Manhattan to Brooklyn and visa versa. Families taking tourist pictures, the elderly enjoying the view, and even the resident runners shedding a few calories before beginning their days. 
I felt just like Kate in my favorite movie, "Kate and Leopold". Similar to the movie script, I instantly envisioned myself and my surroundings enjoying the same view decades before. While the city around the Brooklyn Bridge has evolved, the infrastructure still stands unharmed. This sight is accessible to all; to all who go about their days not relishing such sights, perhaps my writing of taking pleasure in the landmarks adjacent to me will encourage you to do the same. 

Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan in sight

Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan in sight

Brooklyn Bridge, view from the center point 

Brooklyn Bridge, Brooklyn in sight 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Goodbye California, hellllooo New York!!

I am dAmn prOud to begin this new adventure! True, I am creating this blog as a part of a Parsons Trend Spotting course, but it is quickly becoming more. Let's consider it an opportunity to incorporate you, my friends and family, into my New York life style. Come along with me as I brave the streets of New York, gasp in amazzzement at the prominent fashion industry, get lost on the subway, and everything in between. As I eagerly allow the trends of New York to shape me I am just as energized to share the experiences with you!