Thursday, September 1, 2011

Goodbye California, hellllooo New York!!

I am dAmn prOud to begin this new adventure! True, I am creating this blog as a part of a Parsons Trend Spotting course, but it is quickly becoming more. Let's consider it an opportunity to incorporate you, my friends and family, into my New York life style. Come along with me as I brave the streets of New York, gasp in amazzzement at the prominent fashion industry, get lost on the subway, and everything in between. As I eagerly allow the trends of New York to shape me I am just as energized to share the experiences with you!


  1. I can already tell I am going to be a die-hard follower of this blog! Thinking of you little Kelly in the big apple! We are all dAmn prOud of you!!!! aoe xoxo

  2. Wowww this brought both chills and tears to my eyes realizing that you're actually not in california with us anymore! However, I am soooo beyond excited for you to explore all that New York has to offer you and for New York to be in awe of everything you're going to bring to them! I can only imagine how daunting being thrown into the mix of the city is, but honestly there's not another person that I could see being able to conquer it in quite the "fashion" you're about to ;] Love and miss you sooo much, I look up to you like a big sister... So you can bet on me checking up on you on the reg!

    DBT out there Kel, lots of love and AOE,
    you know who

  3. KELLYYYYY! I am so excited and honored to be a part of your adventure! I can't wait to hear, and hopefully see (PICTURES) all of your accounts out there on the East Coast!!!!! I hope that you are able to share all of your adventures through this social media as though we are there with you and experiencing your moments with you. I can't wait for this experience to begin (though I feel as though it already did...)!!!!!!

    I am so, SO proud of you little kid. You are growing up more and more every day... :((((((
